One out of the six Mexican law firms named Elite firms 2019 by Latin Lawyer

Latin Lawyer is aware that the strength of a law firm relies in certain unique elements of its culture that allow it to differentiate itself from the rest and in institutional elements that guarantee its continuous development and sustained growth.

As a result of our team’s effort, Gonzalez Calvillo is once again recognized by Latin Lawyer as an Elite Firm 2020, being one out of six Mexican firms to have this recognition.

The research is based on seven pillars including the volume of mergers and acquisitions and capital markets work, firm management innovation, diversity and international exposure.

It is worth mentioning that Latin American firms are also recognized as a result of the research, including Argentina, Brazil, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Click here to learn more about the research and access the complete list of Elite Firms 2020..

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