Pro Bono

We believe in giving back to society through our legal expertise

Pro Bono work has always been part of our culture, enriches our profession, and contributes to our highest purpose. Our partners, counsel, and associates are committed through various initiatives to help strengthen the Rule of Law in our country

We support

  • Individuals and non-profit organizations with legal advice in all practice areas.
  • Education, through collaboration agreements with universities and synergies with non-profit organizations related to education.
  • Culture, with museums and other entities related to art and sports.
  • Rule of Law, proposing the creation of better laws and their correct and efficient application.
  • Diversity, always striving to ensure that people’s rights are respected in accordance with our Constitution.
Captura de Pantalla 2023-12-22 a la(s) 15.04.16
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Pro Bono Highlights

Consejo Mexicano de Negocios



Consejo Mexicano de Negocios is a civil association committed to promoting the social welfare and economic development of the country. We have supported them in the preparation of their covid-19 Guide, which established the recommendations and restrictions established at that time.





Coralisma, A.C. We counsel to Coralisma, A.C. – a non-profit organization striving to rebuild coral reefs in the Riviera Maya, Mexico, focused on coral restoration, education, and conservation, in obtaining the authorization to receive income tax-deductible donations both in Mexico and abroad. Likewise, we supported in the procurement of different proceedings before the SAT (Servicio de Administración Tributaria), until obtaining the authorization to receive income tax deductible donations, both in Mexico and abroad, in approximately 2 months, which is considered an achievement.


Fundación Comunitaria de la Frontera del Norte



Fundación Comunitaria de la Frontera del Norte – Was established as part of a strategic initiative to improve community foundations along the U.S.-Mexico border. The foundation gathers contributions in Ciudad Juarez and the border area from individuals, families, and businesses to support community-driven initiatives. Gonzalez Calvillo has continuously supported this association with corporate matters.


Fundación Dr. José Ignacio Rivero Cosme, A.C.



Is a non-governmental organization (NGO) focused on contributing to the reduction of mortality in cancer patients, raising awareness about early detection and providing specialized care.

We have counsel on its incorporation, determination of its corporate purpose, obtaining its “e.firma” and obtaining the authorization to receive income tax-deductible donations. Likewise, we supported in the procurement of different proceedings before the SAT (Servicio de Administración Tributaria), until obtaining the authorization to receive income tax deductible donations.

Fundación Quinta Carmelita, IAP



Fundación Quinta Carmelita, IAP is a children’s home with 30 years of experience committed to the rights of children. It provides comprehensive care to children in situations of abandonment. We have provided legal support with different corporate matters securing they can continue to apply and receive grants both in Mexico and abroad.





Futeje is a non-profit private assistance institution focused on the integral support of patients with colorectal and gastric cancer. We support them with legal matters, which include reviewing the legislation applicable to Private Assistance Institutions and, if necessary, updating their internal documents to comply with such regulations and continue operating. We have also supported them with IP matters related to logo registration.


Rainforest Alliance México – Alianza para Bosques, A.C.



Rainforest Alliance Mexico – Alianza para Bosques, A.C. is a Mexican civil association incorporated in 2005. We assisted in the review of contracts for multiple projects, including advising on issues related to the World Bank-funded Dedicated Mechanism, which is a special initiative of the Forest Investment Program (FIP). The program supports developing countries’ efforts to deal with the underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation, and to overcome barriers that have obstructed past efforts by facilitating the full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) in the design and implementation of FIP Investment Plans and in turn contributes to the National REDD+ Strategy (ENAREDD+), through the participation of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.


Sonrisas Monterrey, A.C.



Sonrisas Monterrey is a civil association that seeks to provide access to mental health care to young people free of charge. We have advised them with various legal issues, including the review of their legal structure, drafting of contracts and authorized donor authorization.


Pro Bono Leading Lights


This significant recognition honors law firms actively fostering a culture of Pro Bono in Latin America, underscoring our commitment to making meaningful

Pro Bono Declaration of The Americas

logo-Cyrus R. Vance Center

We take pride in our affiliation with The Americas Protocol, a crucial component of the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice. As a member of this esteemed center, we are committed to upholding principles of justice and fostering collaboration within the Americas region. Together, we aim to contribute to the advancement of international justice and the promotion of shared values.

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