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Labor Reform is published in the Federal Official Gazette.

The Labor Reform Decree amending labor law and other laws for the implementation of the labor justice reform was published on May 1st in the Federal Official Gazette.

The Reform is broad and focuses on strengthening the collective contracting mechanisms, union freedom and the creation of labor courts, as well as to guarantee an environment free of discrimination and violence.

Among the immediate effects of such Reform, new requirements for individual hiring and actions shall be implemented by Human Resource Departments in companies, including the following:

  • To include in the individual employment contract the designation of employee beneficiaries for the payment of salaries and any accrued benefits in case of death or disappearance.
  • Provide the employee access, in print or other means, in the payment receipts to all the information regarding its income and deductions.
  • Online Digital Tax Receipts (CFDI), may replace printed payment receipts.
  •  The implementation of a protocol to prevent discrimination, to deal with violence and sexual harassment, and to eliminate forced and child labor.

Should you have any comments our doubts in connection with the scope of the Labor Reform, do not hesitate to contact us.

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