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Gonzalez Calvillo 2022 new partners and counsel announced

Gonzalez Calvillo (”GC”), a leading Mexican law firm, is pleased by the promotion of two new partners and two new counsel from our existing team of lawyers. Luis Enrique Cervantes and Alberto Pliego have joined the partnership at GC, while Julia González and Rafael Fuentes are promoted to Counsel. These promotions are effective January 1st, 2022 and will strengthen a wide range of practice areas with exceptional professionals that bring outstanding skills and experience to GC.

Luis Enrique Cervantes has become partner and participates with GC’s Labor, Employment and Corporate Compensation practice area. He regularly acts for clients bringing cutting edge strategy consulting both individually and collectively. He also advises clients on compliance related matters. Luis Enrique has led and advised on hiring processes, individual and collective bargaining matters, executive compensation programs, expat management, pension plans, labor restructures, employment termination, massive lay-offs, complex labor, and employment litigation including strategic defense representing companies in labor claims filed by employees and expats. Luis Enrique joined GC as Counsel in 2019.

Alberto Pliego has over 10 years of experience as an intellectual property and franchising lawyer, and joins as partner for these practice areas. He represents domestic and international clients on a broad range of aspects including consulting and litigation related to the protection and defense of intellectual property rights, as well as in the negotiation, drafting and execution of franchise agreements, licenses, distribution, and relevant aspects of intellectual property agreements in M&A transactions. Alberto joined GC in 2008.

Julia González who has been appointed Counsel, is a leader in the social impact assessment scene and a well-known constitutional and regulatory lawyer. Her practice is focused on the development of infrastructure projects, a key element for the growth of any country. She actively takes part on numerous constitutional claims against general statutes and regulations impacting the environment and competition, actions, and omissions of government authorities, as well as collective actions related to environmental and consumer matters. Julia has led over 40 social impact assessments across the Mexican energy sector and regularly advises companies on how to obtain prior, free, and informed consent.

Rafael Fuentes provides regulatory consulting, strategic legal protection, and constitutional and administrative litigation, advising clients in highly regulated sectors such as banking and infrastructure, has been elevated to Counsel. He regularly represents leading financial institutions, startups entering the Fintech sector, telecom corporations, and infrastructure companies. Rafael is experienced in actions before the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice, with ground-breaking constitutional and regulatory legal precedents under his practice. Rafael was part of the team obtaining a favorable ruling for a telecommunications concessionaire, sorting out the unconstitutionality of Mexico’s Telecommunications Law that established disproportionate fines based in gross incomes.

Commenting on the promotions, name partner, Enrique Gonzalez Calvillo said, “I am thrilled such a strong and talented group of colleagues have been promoted across GC. Our new partners and counsel bring unparalleled and diverse thinking that will be proved crucial helping our clients navigate the intricated and complex legal landscape our country currently faces. I look forward to continue working with each of them and plan for the future ahead”.

As GC continues to cement its position as one of the undisputable leaders across the Mexican legal services market, these appointments further bolster our capabilities to better serve our clients across multiple practice areas, sectors, and industries. Retention and promotion of the firm’s homegrown talent will remain a key aspect of GC’s success as we prepare to celebrate our 35th anniversary.


For 35 years, Gonzalez Calvillo has been at the forefront of the legal market in Mexico as a full-service leading law firm due to its transactional core and expertise in a wide range of practice areas. The firm is recognized for its ability to build cross-disciplinary teams for the most complex legal challenges and long track record of successfully providing groundbreaking business and regulatory advice to high profile domestic and international companies. Often described as a pioneer of the Mexican legal services industry, the firm is known for its commitment to do things differently, bespoke solutions, and creating transformational legal changes that enable clients achieving their objectives. For more information, please visit www.gcsc.com.mx.

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