
GC acted as a independent counsel to HIR Casa through Banco Invex as trustee and as borrower, in the structuring and implementation of a syndicated structured loan

Gonzalez Calvillo, July 13th, 2023 .- We acted as independent counsel to HIR Casa (Bienes Programados), through Banco Invex as trustee and as borrower, in the structuring and implementation of a syndicated structured loan for MXP$2 billion entered with BBVA Mexico (as agent bank), BanCoppel, Banco Bx+, Banco del Bajío, Bank of China Mexico, CIBanco, Banco Monex, and Banco Sabadell, as lenders.

In addition, Banco Invex acted as trustee of the vehicle executing the loan agreement, HIR Casa acted as Primary Manager, and Administradora de Activos Financieros (ACFIN) acted as Master Servicer.

This transaction reiterated the trust that banks have in HIR Casa, a non-banking financial institution (IFNB, for its acronym in Spanish) that recently did its come-back to the securities market in Mexico with a successful securitization program of mortgage loans.

The team was led by our partner Bernardo Reyes Retana Krieger, including associates Francisco Javier Álvarez and Diego Hernández Abascal.

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Bernardo Reyes Retana K


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Francisco Álvarez


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Diego Hernández


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For almost four decades, González Calvillo has challenged the standards and rewritten the full-service firm model with a solution-oriented approach, evolving the practice of law in Mexico. Our firm is driven by the commitment to doing things differently, having a deep knowledge of the Mexican legal ecosystem, and our behaviour and interaction with today’s globalised business environment. That is how over 150 people between partners, counsel, associates, and other business professionals are responsible for making González Calvillo one of Mexico’s leading law firms. Our firm’s services are designed to help clients solve their most complex and challenging legal issues, finding the best solution for each case. By understanding clients’ business culture and strategy, González Calvillo establishes a close and strategic alliance that enables them to achieve more. For more information, please visit

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