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Female Lawyers in Mexico Will ‘Disappear’ for a Day to Call Attention to Rampant Gender Violence, article published by Law.com

Our partner Enrique González Calvillo shares his thoughts of Mexico’s women national strike on March 9, 2020  #UNDIASINNOSOTRAS in an article published by Law.com 

This is an eye-opener for Mexico. This is long overdue—the uproar, the cause itself and also the march,” said Enrique González Calvillo, founding partner of González Calvillo, one of the first Mexican law firms to join the strike.

González Calvillo expects that over 100 women at his firm will observe the strike, sending the message, “Imagine your life without me,” while the rest of the office remains open for business. González Calvillo says his firm, which handles M&A and other transactions largely for non-Mexican companies, employs more women than men—a reflection of the changing gender profile of corporate counsel and clients.

It’s important for us to experience not having that part of the team, suffering the absence,” he said.

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