Counsel to Unicredit Bank

We acted as counsel to Unicredit Bank AG, as, among others, agent and security agent, in the refinancing of a syndicated loan for an amount of EUR$585 million, granted in favor of F.I.L.A. – Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini S.p.A. (“FILA”), an Italian company and leader in the art and writing products industry, listed on the “Borsa Italiana” (the Italian stock exchange).

The transaction involved, among others, the accession of the Mexican subsidiary of FILA – Grupo Fila-Dixon, S.A. de C.V. – to the syndicated loan agreement, as guarantor. Therefore, it was necessary to review and negotiate the foreign documents in order to ensure their legal validity in Mexico.

The lawyers involved in this transaction is our partner José Ignacio Rivero Andere, associates Jacinto Avalos Capín and Raúl Paniahua Reyes and law clerk Alonso Mirón.

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