Counsel to FIBRA Prologis

We represented FIBRA Prologis in its successful green bond and placement on the Mexican Stock Exchange of the first Dollar (USD) “Green/Sustainable Bond” ever made in Mexico (all previous ones had been in Pesos), registered before the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV).

The transaction consisted of the first issuance of Long Term (12 year) Trust Certificates (Certificados Bursátiles Fiduciarios de Largo Plazo) under a Multi-Value Program for an amount of USD$375’000,000 with maturities in 2028, 2030 and 2032, which obtained AAA ratings from Fitch Mexico and HR Ratings and a US Treasury coupon (0.97%) plus 3.15 (fixed interest rate).

The bookrunners for the offering were BBVA and HSBC Mexico. As well, as coleaders Citibanamex, JP Morgan, Bank of America Merril Lynch (BofA) and Scotiabank were involved.

In this transaction, Sustainalytics (leading independent global provider of ESG and corporate governance research and ratings to investors), acted as the sustainable advisor that issued the “Second Party Opinion” on ESG.

Our partners José Víctor Torres, Bernardo Reyes-Retana K., Jaime Cortés, associates Francisco Álvarez, Roberto Fraustro and law clerk Diego Hernández Abascal were involved in this transaction.

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