Francis Dominique Saad Lobo


Francis Dominique Saad Lobo



Francis is member of the firm’s corporate and real estate practices since 2018. Her corporate work includes drafting and reviewing shareholder meetings, unanimous resolutions, legal audits, agreements, stock purchase agreements, among others. She also takes part in drafting legal opinions, as well as for the design and implementation of strategies to negotiate such documents and meet the parties’ needs.

Her real estate practice experience includes advising clients in the draft of legal opinions and audits, as well as for the incorporation of companies and drafting of their respective bylaws. She also assists by carrying out their incorporation processes and the review of all types of contracts and agreements, including leases, purchase and sale contracts, sub-leases, licenses for the use of trademarks, among others. Additionally, Francis supports clients in the execution of new documents related to these contracts, as well as for amendments, early terminations, among others.

In 2021 Francis was on secondment with Google to support drafting documents related to Mexico’s Law of Transparency, Prevention and Combat of Unfair Practices in Advertising Contracting, as well as the drafting of amendment and termination agreements, as well as contracts aimed towards complying with the labor reform, among other legal matters of interest to the company.

Francis holds a law degree (J.D. equivalent) from Universidad Iberoamericana and is a member of Abogadas MX, a non-for-profit organization.

Areas of Practice

Awards & Recognitions

  • Corporate and M&A law recognized lawyer, Best Lawyers Ones to Watch Edition


  • Law Degree (J.D. equivalent), Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico (2019)

Spanish – English
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